We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.

Albert Einstein

Life is continuous motion... and motion is continuous change. So, life is change; you are alive, you are changing.

Who is directing your change? Are you the passive observer? Or are you the master over this flow?

Together with my colleague and partner, Dr. Hilde De Smet from Belgium, we put together our lives work to bring you health U project, to bring you a powerful tool for your empowerment, to promote your self-dependence in your path to mastery over your life, your health, and your well-being.

We’ve taken Health U Project to Tennessee It is all about you, it has always been...

Launched 2024! Come join us!

Sovereign Health Network


SIGMA - health U project, a Private Membership Association Your self-empowerment, your self-dependence…

The healthcare landscape is rapidly shifting. Many things that have been stated throughout the years about our system are proving not to be so, leaving us with ever increasing unfulfilled expectations. There is a different, viable and much more cost-effective way of approaching health and disease.

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You may be one who is highly driven to learn about and understand your health issues so you can take charge of your health and wellbeing. You may be one who is curious about the deeper nature of disease, health and healing and you are looking forward to exploring and enhancing your comprehension about these aspects of the human experience. You may be one who has found no satisfactory answers to your health condition and you are searching for different perspectives.

If so, come on in and explore…